If you need funding to help your business, we can help.
There are several sources of funding available to you:
- Grant funding
- SEIS/EIS investment
- Crowdfunding, and many more.
Our job is to help you identify what funding route(s) is most appropriate for you and then help you get that funding. We provide clarity and what is available to you and what you are eligible for. We will work with you to complete applications and follow the whole process through to you receiving the funds you need.
We listed a few options above, so let’s look at some of them in a little more detail:
Grant Funding
Grant funding can come from many sources and range from just £5,000 (such as Innovation Vouchers) upwards. Innovate UK R&D Grants, for example, can provide up to £100,000 and maybe even more.
SEIS/EIS Investment
The Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) provides tax breaks for investors who help new businesses. We can help you become SEIS certified in order to attract these investors. With up to 78% investment allowances, you can see how attractive SEIS certified companies can be to investors.
The Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) provides income tax relief, the potential to offset losses and no inheritance tax as some of the benefits available to investors
R&D Tax Credits
This programme is designed to encourage you to invest in developing your products. Research & development costs are offset against your Corporation Tax and can provide you with cash to help you take your business forward.
These are just some of the possible ways Angel Analytics can help you get the investment (cash) you need within your business.